Giant Goose

In a small town, in a quiet place
A little girl with a smiling face
Found a friend in a giant goose
In her dreams, he would break loose

They'd fly over fields, soar through the sky
Chasing clouds as the days went by
Whispered secrets, shared each laugh
In her heart, he was her other half

lyrics record cover

Oh, my giant goose, where did you go?
As the years pass by, I need to know
In the world of grown-up dreams
You were my light, my guiding beam

Now she's grown with dreams so new
But she misses the skies they flew
Boyfriends, school, and life's demands
Pulling her from childhood lands

She stands alone, at the edge of the field
Where once their magic was revealed
Tears fall softly, a whispered plea
"Goodbye, my friend, you set me free"

In her heart, he still resides
A gentle giant by her side
Though she walks a different path
His memory will always last

Under stars, she says goodnight
To the friend who gave her flight
In her dreams, they'll meet again
Forevermore, ...

Oh, my giant goose, where did you go?
As the years pass by, I need to know
In the world of grown-up dreams
You were my light, my guiding beam

a DumDave production June 2024