Wheels Turning

Wheels turning
Burning midnight oil
Deliveries to make
Not a moment to spoil
Eyes heavy
Head drooping
Fight my fatigue
And keep on trucking
No time for relief

Stars shining above
Guiding my way
Through the city streets
Where the shadows play
Radio humming
Keeping me awake
But my eyes are drooping
With every mile I take

lyrics record cover

Streetlights flicker
The town starts to sleep
But the darkness creeps
Into my soul goes deep
Yawning wide
I shake my head
Windows down
Cool breeze on my bed

Eyes heavy
Head drooping
Fight my fatigue
And keep on trucking
No time for relief

Radio humming
Keeping me awake
But my eyes are drooping
With every mile I take

a DumDave production June 2024